Surrendered Lives
Bro. Eugene and Sis. Jane Mejila
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
Eugenio Sarte Mejila (Bro. Eugene) -
We are only four in the family: my father, mother, elder sister and I. My father used to work in Saudi Arabia for 21 years. I was barely a year old when he left us. I grew up with my mother; we used to sell suman (glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk, wrapped in banana leaves) and cashew nuts near Antipolo church. In my elementary days I would also sell cigarettes and would do part time parking job every Sunday just to earn money to help my mother since my father often failed to send us money. There were times when I had to go to school without pocket money and would just ask some from my classmates.
I knew God existed but did not have a relationship with Him. I would only pray before sleeping and when I am in need. I also served as an acolyte (assistant to the priest) during mass. I knew Jane when we were in elementary; but she did not know me. We became classmates in high school and met again in College. Many trials came. I joined a fraternity group and got mixed with older people who influenced me about bad stuff.
Mary Jane Soriano Mejila ( Sis. Jane ) -
I came from a religious and well-off family. It is said that my father came from one of the richest families in Antipolo Rizal, but because of gambling, drinking, infidelity, politics we lost everything. We became a broken family and I decided to join a seminary to become a nun. My reason was that life outside was so turbulent.
At that time, Eugene and I were studying while working in different fast food chains. Eugene was juggling multiple jobs. Aside from his work as a Service Crew, he also worked in a candy factory, and a part time job in a funeral home. For four years, this had been our way of getting by until we finished College.
After I graduated, I immediately applied to go abroad. In Dubai, U.A.E. I told myself that I could do everything. After all, I was able to free myself from the once messy life I had. I thought I was strong enough and can do everything on my own. I did not need anyone. I had so much confidence in myself. Until such time I almost got sexually assaulted for some wrong decisions that I made. I thought I had already released myself from my past troubles, but then realized it was harder when you are alone.
I had another boyfriend here in Dubai. When Eu-gene found out he felt like losing a loved one. He got sick and his health became critical. I came back to the Philippines to personally tell him that I loved someone else. But he wouldn’t give up on me; even when I returned to Dubai our communication continued. Until one day, my feelings for the other guy faded away. I was bawling my eyes out while on duty at work when someone entered our shop. We had conversation and she invited me to her house. I then knew that she is a Christian.
Ninong Joemar and Ninang Eng shared to me the Word of God: how much He loves me, and made me realize how filthy the life I lived and there’s nothing I can be proud of. I am nothing.
It was at the prayer meeting that I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. From then on, I found myself always talking to God, reading the bible, and started attending church. In a few months Eugene called and told me, “Jane I will marry you.” I couldn’t believe it at first and Ninang Eng advised me to pray for it.
I learned how to pray as I hold on to the verse in Matthew 18:19. I sought the Lord in prayer and decided to return home.
I went home to declare that I found the true love that does not fade; neither leaves me nor forsakes me. He had chosen me! And that is the LORD JESUS CHRIST who died on the cross, was buried and rose from the dead for us and for the forgiveness of our sins.
I started sharing the Gospel to Eugene and to my family. We got married in 2005. We both applied through an agency to go back to Dubai and immedi-ately attended Back to the Bible Baptist Church.
Pastor Erwin shared the Gospel to Eugene and both of us got baptized. We started our new life with Hope in Christ
(Romans 15:13).
From then on, we learned that God knows everything; God is present all the time. God is unchanging, God is Holy and righteous, and God is merciful and loving. God blessed us with four children, Luke Genesis, Elias, Moses and our only girl Janel. Though it is a challenge to raise four kids; it is a joy to be blessed by God with a wonderful family.
Eugene and I continue to support different outreach programs in the Philippines. In 2009, we started an outreach program, “Mga bata sa kaingin” in the Philippines where we are able to share the Gospel to the poor children in the Rizal Province area. Also, the Jail outreach program which started in 2016 where we had the blessed opportunity to share the good news to the inmates in local penitentiary.
You might be asking, "How did you and Eugene do it?" To be honest, it is not easy. Through God-given wisdom we are able to manage well our resources that God has entrusted to us, and operate on a budget. But God is faithful helping us to always make both ends meet. By His grace, we remain faithful to give back what truly belongs to Him. We never forget His Word and place our trust completely in Him to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of our family.
There are problems and trials here on earth but if you know who your God is you can wake up each day smiling. We take it in our prayers for the Lord to be the center of our relationship. Jesus should always be the first in our marriage and we desire that our children will love God more than us. Life is really different when you have God. If there is one lesson in life that I can share, it is not to put your trust in yourself alone, as in Proverbs 3:5-6 and Matthew 11:28-29. If you have the chance to know Jesus, immediately surrender your life to Him. And let other people know you have God (Galatians 2:20).
I thank the Lord and the BBBC family. Now many of our family members have committed their lives to Jesus Christ and were baptized.
Like us, they have made Jesus Christ their personal Lord and Saviour.
To God be the Glory!