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We would probably all agree that life is not easy. But there are times that are much harder than others.

In the case of Paul and Silas, it was a really bad time. They were chained up and in prison. The Bible also tells us that they had just been severely flogged before this (Acts 16:24-26).

The jailer then put them in the inner cell - the worst part of the prison - and had their feet put in stocks to make sure they weren’t going anywhere. And after all this, Paul and Silas still chose to pray and SING.


How is this possible?


The answer to this question isthe Gospel.

It is important that we understand that Christ loved us so much that He lived, died, and rose again so that we can spend eternity with Him. When we understand and accept this we can have hope and joy that transcends anything the world throws at us.


In the midst of our adversities we can leverage music to activate our faith that lead us to His Word. Godly music can remind us that we are loved by God and our future is secure in Him no matter what.

Utilize this gift to help you to lift your eyes to Him and be reminded of His power and love. Sing for Him ang glory His Name.




Thank You God for Your promise that my eternal destiny is guaranteed through Christ. Thank You that through music and spiritual song, l can praise Your Name with my whole heart in the midst of trials, uncertainties and persecutions. Thank You Lord Jesus, in Your Name l pray, Amen.

"And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed."


Acts 16:25-26 (KJV)



TODAY'S DEVOTION:    May 26, 2020

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