Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
We are the Singles’ Ministry of Back to the Bible Baptist Church. We exist for God's glory alone! We know that according to His Word and Promises through Christ our Lord and Saviour, we are all pilgrims here on earth and our citizenship is in heaven. From here, we gaze at the Saviour and we look forward for His blessed appearing. This is a ministry where the youthful strength revolves, where the promises of tomorrow’s sun will shine with brightness that will not dim. We gather accordingly to prepare ourselves for the battle ahead for we are the next generation of Christians, acknowledging that God will increase our knowledge in His Word and by the power of the Holy Spirit, it will be seen in our lives.
The Back to the Bible Baptist Church’s Christian Sojourners Ministry’s Vision is to meet the spiritual needs of the Singles in the church through providing programs that will help its members grow maturely in their Christian lives. Every member would tread the right path, in line with the will and purpose of God in their lives through seeking and making Him the first priority (Matthew 6:33). We make the most and enjoy the state of being single with strong biblical principles, practices and beliefs instilled in us that even when liberally exposed and unaccompanied in the secular world we are able to firmly stand in God’s commands. We are able to support various church ministries to build unity, mutual trust and teamwork among fellow brethren (Hebrew 10:25). As Christ’s believers and followers, we project the highest standards of integrity and ethical Christian behavior as we yearn to be effective and blameless witnesses to the unbelieving world. Together with our Church Leaders, Elders and other Members, we shall consistently grow in our faith and continuously walk a closer relationship with God (Hebrews 13:7).
As a ministry of Singles, we desire that each individual who are joining us, will have changed lives and so we verify their salvation making certain that they have the personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Consequently, they are able to witness Christ to others through actual evangelism and life testimonies as true believers of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We provide opportunities for singles to participate in all facets of the ministry that enables a deeper commitment to Christ.
We formulate and carry out programs and activities such as bible studies, seminars and prayer watch believing that these will enhance the spiritual growth of every member and will passionately prepare them to the next stages and seasons of their lives. As we inculcate in every heart and mind of members the value of chastity, we highly encourage them to stay pure as they pray and wait for God’s best and will in their lives. In such ways, we are confident that our God is glorified to see us as clean vessels, obedient to Him.
We provide morally and spiritually sound environment and make ourselves acquainted with other Christian singles to keep our relationships with each other intact and our brethren not to be enticed and deceived by the fleeting pleasures the world is offering.
We create fellowships which would help build rewarding relationships within the singles group, as well as, within the BBBC Family.
We, moreover, give time to discover each of the member’s spiritual gifts & talents to be used in the furtherance of God's kingdom here on earth and lastly, set ourselves as examples, especially to young ones and in so doing will serve an encouragement for them to desire to live godly lives pleasing in our Master’s sight.